Thursday, May 3, 2012

Well the committee has been hard at work planning the Carnival & Silent Auction.  But we need your help to really make it successful.

Start thinking of donations for the Silent Auction now!
Our auction is only as good as the donations received.
Here are some great ideas of how to acquire donations for the Auction!

Ask your employer for a donation of goods or services.
 Do you have Season Tickets to sports events or the theatre?  Is there a night you can’t go?  Donate those tickets! (they need to be after the auction date 10/20/12)
Call, mail, fax or email donation letters to businesses.
Ask stores you buy from or services you frequently use. (always carry letters in your car)
Ask a company to donate their services.
Ask friends and family – maybe they have a hidden talent or they have a friend with a talent? (painting, photography, knitting, cooking etc.)
You can make an item (doll clothes, jewelry, scarves, hats etc).
You can put together a themed basket
Donate your skills or services. (a cooking or sewing class, jewelry making, maybe a fully cooked dinner)
Donate your beach house or timeshare or maybe a friend’s.
Know any Mary Kay; Avon; Cookie Lee; or Pampered Chef sale representatives?  Ask them to donate a basket – we’ll put their business cards out at the Auction too.

Stay tuned I will start dropping hints of what we have planned for the Carnival!

Friday, April 13, 2012

I am so excited we have some great ideas for the carnival.  What are they you ask? Well, I can tell you just a few.  We have some great new games (yes we are going to make them), a possible photo opportunity, and some great new class projects.  I can't tell you any more at this time.  So be sure to follow the blog and be the first to know what we are planning.

If you have any ideas please post them for us.  Have a great day!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome to the New Carnival Blog!

We have started the planning for the next Carnival & Silent Auction so stay tuned more to come!